Maintaining the upkeep of your appliances can be beneficial and reduce germs and other unseen dangers that can be detrimental to your health. Appliances such as your washer/dryers and vacuums are extremely valuable in daily cleaning processes. Therefore, ensuring these products are cleaned consistently, almost as much as they are used to be cleaned, is highly essential.

 This obviously will improve performance, efficiency, and overall maintenance. Lastly, many appliances are “high-touch” surfaces, which means interaction with these necessities are constantly happening daily. For instance, think of how much your refrigerator handle is touched in a day. With each touch there is more of a chance for viruses, bacteria, and germs, to be left on the surface. Let’s take a browse around the house and be mindful of some ways that we can keep our appliances performing to the best of their abilities.



Equator suggest that you plan to organize and clean your refrigerator when it isn’t full; such as right before you go shopping for groceries. Be sure to use warm soap and water to sanitize the drawers (inside and out) and use detergent to ensure walls are clean, along with the shelves and exterior. Additionally, twice during the year, keep your manual handy to help guide you with the “use and care” section, and carefully unplug your refrigerator and utilize a coil brush and vacuum to remove dust from the coils. When you buy any Equator Advanced Appliance take advantage of our easy-to-use QR code to access the manual of any product with ease and convenience.



This appliance is extremely significant to clean, as food debris will get trapped in the dishwasher filter during wash cycles. Therefore, ensuring this part of the appliance is maintained is key to keeping your dishwasher clean. For the exterior of your dishwasher, use a soft dish cloth with soap and water to sanitize. Then, finish and dry the surface with a dry cloth. Lastly, glass or steel cleaner can be used to get rid of fingerprints. Check out Equator’s WBT 2440 Series Dishwasher with 8 cycles and a spacious 15 placements, perfect for any residential space.

Check out our VSM 6000! Equipped to vacuum, sweep, and mop, making it durable for multiple services. 

Portable Appliances and Vacuums


When cleaning portable appliances like our PAC 162 Portable AC with 4-in-1 functions using a nonabrasive, all-purpose detergent and proper drying with a wash cloth is suggested. With vacuums, make sure you check the brush roll regularly to guarantee that nothing isn’t blocking or wrapped around it. Also, confirm that filters and bags are emptied and appliance is powered-off while cleaning. Equator’s VSM 6000 Vacuum, Sweep, Mop, comes with a self-sanitizing feature, making the upkeep of this product easy and convenient!


With Equator’s advanced and convenient appliances, the upkeep of daily necessities has never been easier. With energy guides and QR accessible manuals for each product, ensuring that you are knowledgeable and well equipped on all you need to know about our products are our top priority. Visit our website today to learn more!