How to Effectively Clean Your Carpet
Having appliances like Equator’s VSM 6000 (Vacuum, Sweep, Mop) can truly make a difference in cleaning your floors and carpet! However, we can’t leave all the work to technology. When it comes to deep cleaning or our annual spring cleaning, ensure we take the extra steps to not only clean but efficiently sanitize. Let’s discuss how we can do just that with our carpet.
Styles to Consider when Purchasing a Refrigerator Styles to Consider when Purchasing a Refrigerator
Two weeks ago Equator posted a poll on LinkedIn, asking our audience which style refrigerators they prefer. 40% chose French Door with another 40% selecting the Side-by-Side option. Only 20% picked the classic Top-and-Bottom, with 0% choosing Quad Refrigerators. Everyone has their preference, but every refrigerator style has a specific function and is helpful in its own way. With so many choices, what would be the perfect addition to your kitchen? Let’s learn more about the different styles of refrigerators and how they can benefit your kitchen space and its aesthetic.
Clever Ways to Decorate Kitchen Appliances
Kitchen appliances are standard, however, that does not necessarily mean you want them visible all of the time. From our microwaves to coffee makers to blenders and other appliances that make our daily lives easier can make our countertops quite cluttered.
Organizing Your Refrigerator Efficiently
Keeping your refrigerator organized and clean can become a bit of a task. From food spoiling to ensuring you store new perishables in your busy refrigerator, the organization of this appliance can become quite uncontrollable if you don’t have a set procedure. Let Equator suggest some simple tips to help keep your refrigerator organized and even improve the efficiency of your cold food storage.
Whether Buying or Fixing Appliances, Here are a few Tips on Saving!
There comes a time when you will need to replace your refrigerator or make repairs to your washing machine or stove. Although it is essential that you buy quality products to replace the original parts, you can save money while doing so.
Could Investing in the Household Appliance Market be Beneficial?
According to Zacks, the Household Appliance Industry is in the top 41% of industries. To be more specific it is ranked 102 out of 251 industries. Therefore, it is expected to outperform the market within the next 3 to 6 months.
Simple Ways to Reduce Food Waste
Grocery prices are on the rise, and with that in mind, we should all consider ways to preserve our resources and save money. Kitchen staples like milk and eggs are becoming unreasonably pricey so valuing every dollar is essential. One way we can save money on groceries is by reducing food waste.
Cleaning Your Appliances Effectively
Maintaining the upkeep of your appliances can be beneficial and reduce germs and other unseen dangers that can be detrimental to your health. Appliances such as your washer/dryers and vacuums are extremely valuable in daily cleaning processes. Therefore, ensuring these products are cleaned consistently, almost as much as they are used to be cleaned, is highly essential.